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MÄKSĒ has been built upon our collective nostalgia.
When we were young, the world was an admittedly different place. There was no wi-fi or social media. There were land lines and Luke and Laura. We spent our days playing 8-bit games and attaching playing cards to the spokes of our bicycles. We hung out at the roller rink and played Fleetwood Mac on cassettes. We could disappear from home at sunrise and not raise an eyelid from our parents unless we missed sunset and a table where the family sat down to dinner together, even when it was just mac and cheese and hot dogs. Everything was in its right place.
MÄKSĒ is about your family. It is the taste that recalls the comforts of home. It is air conditioning on that 90-degree day, and building sand castles on the beach. It is reading your favorite book under the peaceful shade of a welcoming tree. It is the blanket you hold dear to get a better night’s sleep and the thrill of getting a box of one cent CDs from the Columbia House Record Club. The tastes, whether sweet or savory, bring about the memories of childhood and the comforts associated with Home. Each bite screams of nostalgia.
MÄKSĒ are here to help you recapture your youth. Each flavor, each deliciously generous bite, is designed to elicit a taste associated with home; from peanut butter to pretzels to warm cocoa, each are included to make your experience joyous and inviting.


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