Big Basin Vineyards Tasting Room presents Michael Singer Photography

First Friday Event
Photographs by Michael Singer
Photography has been a passion of mine since college. Most of my work as a full time furniture designer/maker requires a great deal of creative iteration, detailed planning, forethought, and technical deliberateness.
Photography gives me a more spontaneous creative outlet as a way to balance all of that left-brain structure. Images can be captured anywhere, either carefully planned, or in the spur of the moment. And now, modern digital editing tools allow for the revisiting and re-contemplation of images after the fact, permitting even further creativity in their interpretation and presentation.
My photographs range from the documentary to the interpretive. I frequently strive to illuminate the inherent line, tonality, and rhythm of a scene through the use of black and white presentation. I also enjoy highlighting the graphic nature of images from both the built and natural worlds, often through abstraction.