Santa Cruz City Firefighters BBQ Open House

Fun fact, over 95% of the firefighters that work for the city of Santa Cruz live in the city or the county and consider it an honor and a privilege to serve our families, friends and neighbors. As a gesture of gratitude and pride, the Santa Cruz City Firefighters, Local 1716 would like to welcome the entire community to the 1st annual Fire Station Open House, BBQ and fundraiser. This inaugural event will include music, BBQ, raffle, jump house and LIVE firefighting demonstrations!! These demonstrations will include many of the skills that must be done every day on a variety of emergency calls. Many of these demos allow the opportunity for community members to give it a try and perform some of these fun and exciting skills. These demonstrations include a truck ladder climb, forcible entry, try on firefighting gear, and extinguishing live fire with a fire extinguisher! There will also be a public education booth complete with firefighter swag and critical safety and emergency preparedness information available.
Along with all the tasty food, fun and prizes, the Santa Cruz community will have the unique opportunity to meet, greet and hang out with your local firefighters, tour the historic downtown firehouse and ask questions. Funds raised go directly to the L1716 donation fund which supports a number of local , state and federal nonprofits, missions and other philanthropic efforts.
This amazing event will be held in the civic parking lot, behind Santa Cruz Fire Station # 1 (711 Center street) on September 16 from 11:00am-4:00pm.